2011年10月30日 星期日


遲來的生日禮物,又係一隻Swarovski鴨鴨,一年前出個隻限量版Happy ducks 係黃色沙灘look,今次這隻係happy birthday,雖然鴨鴨的顏色好奇怪,兩隻鴨鴨放埋一齊好得意呀!令我又回想起好多開心的事情...

2011年10月29日 星期六

Pekkle 汽車用品


Pekkle 擦膠筆

幾經辛苦終於都搵到枝pekkle 擦摎筆,擦膠筆咁唔common 的文具,我自己就唔係成日會用,更何況起公司做野係完全無機會會用鉛筆,所以買一枝就夠,加上pekkle 造型普通到唔覺得值得買多一枝...

2011年10月26日 星期三

Influenza Vaccination Coupon

早幾日HR 出左個mail話公司會免費為員工提供流感疫苗注射,我地收到個mail 仲係估估下都唔知幾時至可以收到信,原來真係派糧單時一齊派埋,其實咁多年我都無打流感疫苗,雖然係免費,但我唔覺得自己有須要打這個疫苗,最衰係唔能夠轉贈,如果唔係可以比我老豆打,等佢老人家多一個保障。

2011年10月24日 星期一



2011年10月17日 星期一

Sick leave

今次係第二次請sick leave,可能工作量太大,體能不勝負苛,每日返工都好煩厭,成個AP team 咁多人點解乜都要我做?老老實實我出咁少人工唔應該做咁多野!我一向都追求公平,但現實社會真的很難得到公平的對待,為了可以令自己好過一點,我總是會去尋求一些方法去慰藉自己,既然有出糧咁就唯有做,而這個"做" 不經不覺間已經令我變得麻目。




凡事都有定期,天下萬物都有定時,生有時,死有時、栽種有時、拔出所栽種的也有時、殺戮有時、醫治有時、拆毀有時、建造有時、笑有時、哭有時、哀痛有時、跳舞有時、 拋擲石頭有時、堆聚石頭有時、懷抱有時、不懷抱有時、撕裂有時、縫補有時靜默有時、言語有時、喜愛有時、恨惡有時、爭戰有時、和好有時這樣看來、作事的人在他的勞碌上有甚麼益處呢。我見 神叫世人勞苦、使他們在其中受經練。上帝造萬物各按其時成為美好,又將永生安置在世人心裡(傳道書3:1-11)。

2011年10月15日 星期六

Hairy Crab Dinner@2011

又到食大閘蟹的季節,早一個月前已經從報紙得知,今年的大閘蟹會比上年貴,但真係估唔到會比上年貴左咁多,睇返上年Hairy Crab Dinner篇blog原來上年食兩隻蟹都係$272。

今年係我第一次同大家一齊去買蟹,雖然我係一個路痴,但係今次我自己係可以locate 到老三陽的位置,老三陽搬左去白沙道,我地好快就搵到,老三陽係老字號,我地平時都係食開陽澄湖大閘蟹,因為有保證,味道又好D,一年都係食一、兩次貴d 都無所謂啦!大隻少少的蟹有分$560/斤 (蟹約6両以上)、$640/斤、$720/斤,肉眼睇又唔覺得有好大分別,我地揀左$560/斤。原來買蟹真係快到呢,一陣間就就買左11隻公蟹,盛為$2,410.00,平均每一隻蟹$220。真係好貴但係好好味呢~~

2011年10月14日 星期五

Six heavywieghts (重量級投資者) in CITIC cornerstone kitty (note 1)

China’s largest brokerage CITIC Securities has locked in (note 2) at least six cornerstone(重要) investors for its Hong Kong initial public offering the mainland pension provider among them.
Top investors on board, apart form the National Social Security Fund, are Singapore’s Temasek Holdings and Kuwait Investment Authority.
Others include Taiwan-based Fubon Life Insurance, Brazilian investment bank BTG Pactual and US-based hedge fund (note 3) Och-Ziff Capital Management.
CITIC plans to serure HK$700 million of its HK$15.6 billion IPO from conrnerstone investors.
A guideline price of HK$13.95 per share has been set, compared to the 12.29 yuan (HK$15) close of the firm’s Shenzhen-listed stock.  The roadshow(新股介紹會) kick off (note 4) tomorrow.
In other action, Xiao Nan Guo reopens its retail book today for the restaurant chain’s HK$740 million offering. Minimum spending is set at HK$4,444.35 for a board lot (一手) of 2,000 shares.
Separately, the retail tranche of Hongguo failed to get any margin orders on day two of bookbuilding (note 5), with the shoemarker aiming for HK$1.62 billion.
Also disappointed on the second day of bookbuilding was Tenfu Holdings. The tea maker and retailer drew only HK$100,000 in margin orders, sharply below it HK$142 million retail target.
Meanwhile, iron ore maker China Han King Holdings plans to resume its IPO, which was suspended (停止) in June.
The Liaoning-based company, which will restart its roadshow on Monday, had planned to raise up to HK$19.78 billion the last time.
In other action, Tsinghua University’s Singapore-registered company Technovator is set to start its raodshow on Tuesday.
The company, which offers energy efficiency management (note 6) for buildings, plans to raise HK$500 million. Lastly, TV series production company Hairun Media is poised for (準備) a HK$1.6 billion flotation in November.
(note 1) kitty=湊集的金錢。Kitty 也是小貓女和女子Catherine 的暱稱。

(note 2) locked in=
鎖定。lock=鎖上,卡住,塞住。lock a secret in one's heart=嚴守秘密locked in a fliight=打得難分難解。lock away=鎖起來。lock up=上鎖,鎖住。

(note 3) hedge fund=
對衝基金。hedge=隔牆,兩方下注,模稜兩可的話。A hedge between keeps friendship green=君子之交淡如水。on the hedge=要兩面態度,騎牆。Hedge a question=對間題避不作答。

(note 4) kicks off=
,解雇,戒除(毒癮)kick around=經常改變行業。kick oneself=嚴厲自責。kick up=踢起(灰塵),引起(騷動)get a big kick out of=得到極大的快感(愉快)kick in the pants (teeth)=意想不到的挫折。get the kick=被解僱。

(note 5) book building=
接受登記新股認購 (An underwriter "builds a book” by accepting orders from fund managers and retail investors indicating the number of shares they desire and the price they are willing to pay.)
By the book=慣例,常規。examine the books=查帳。close the books=結帳,決算,結束,終止。take a leaf out the another's book=仿效別人行動,學某人的樣子,效顰。

(note 6) energy efficiency management=

2011年10月9日 星期日

Neal's Yard Remedies~Rehydrating Rose Facial Polish

由於訂了一堆就快過期的NYR 回來,所以要極速地清理左佢地先,無辦法啦,起海外購物就係要承受這個風險,今次這個磨砂都好起碼都06/12先至到期,仲有8個月時間比我用,磨砂一星期先至用一次,咁大支都唔知8個月會唔會得晒,不過無所謂啦,如果真係用唔晒起過期之前用來磨身,咁就實無嘥!

Neal's Yard Remedies~Rehydrating Roase Facial Polish磨砂粒非常之幼細,有很香的玫瑰味,用後皮膚唔會乾,由於磨砂粒非常之幼細,按面時切勿過度大力,否則好易令皮膚受傷。做完磨砂用清水洗乾淨面部,見到面部白淨了很多。


2011年10月3日 星期一

Cosmetic Dead Sea.com

I was order some product at Cosmetic dead sea.com on 7/9.  When I open the parcel, I found that the Dead Sea Premier Eye Serum was wrongly delivery.  Actually, I have a new one it was order in March. I am very upset for their service. As they trouble me for a long time due to their system error and undercharge for my order.
I send a mail to them immediately and request them to investigate for this issue. Cosmetic dead sea.com prompts reply and found out the reason and explain to me.  They offer a very attractive price USD28.95=HKD230.34 for the wrongly delivery product.  I accept their offer on 21/9 and they reply me on 25/9, good was delivery at the same day.  I am very surprise that their prompt delivery the product. Just received the product from Cosmetic dead sea.com.

2011年10月1日 星期六

Pekkle Sticker

雖然今日係國慶假期,但係都要返工為month end 準備,所以一朝早就返左公司做野,好在好快就做完晒。逢公眾假期中環都好多姐姐,所以我走多數都會搭mtr 去mk轉車,一來可以順路去行街,二來係可以快d返到屋企。今日仲以為可以帶好多pekkle 返屋企,誰不知都無乜產品可以買...最後只係買到這張貼紙咋!

初時仲以為pekkle 這款海綿貼紙會好靚,但係實物就麻麻地,仲要都幾貴下$17一張,近來pekkle 一家大細經常都一齊出場,我自己就鐘意人多熱鬧d,所以好鐘意近來的產品。