The first building in Hong Kong to have zero-carbon emissions (note 2) will be in operation (note 3) by May next year.
The HK$240 million building is a joint project by the Construction Industry Council and the Development Bureau.
Work on the 14,000 square meter site in Kowloon Bay began yesterday. The council will foot the entire cost (note 4)
The building aims to provide a platform that will promote green education and a low-carbon lifestyle .
According to the council, there will be seven zones in the three-story building, one of which is designed to give visitors a view on how a green lifestyle may be maintained at home. The council said the public will, through the various zones, be able to experience the most advanced green designs and technology. There will also be a green office area.
In explaining the concept of zero emissions, Yu Wai-wai, chairman of the special team within the council, said the amount of renewable energy generated by a building within a year may offset the amount of electricity consumed during the same period.
The building will not need to pay for its power as 70 percent of the electricity used in the building will be generated (發光、熱、電等) by biodiesel (生物柴油), which comes from waste oil, while 30 percent will come from solar or photovoltaic panels (note 5) located on the roof of the building. PV panels may generate electricity without polluting the environment, and without the need for any fuel.
He said the release of “positive energy” as part of the renewable energy generated can be returned to public (note 6).
“There are many buildings with zero-carbon emission in the world. But not many can generate positive energy.”
(note1) green building=綠化的大廈
這裏的green 不是指綠色。Green=活潑的,精神旺盛的,青春的
A green eye=妒忌的眼睛
Keep the memory green=永記不忘
In the green=血氣方剛的,少壯時代的
(note 2) have zero-carbon emissions=不排放二氧化碳
Zero in=聚焦 (To converge intently; close in)
The children zeroed in on the display of Disney toys in the Kowloon Tong store window
Zero out=不再撥款 (to eliminate (a budget or budget item) by cutting off funding).
(note 3) in operation=啟用
Come into operation=開始運轉, 實行,施行,生效
(note 4) foot the entire cost=承擔全部費用
Foot the entire cost=付帳 (foot the bill)=to pay all the cost for something
E.g. Victor, the bride’s father, was resigned to footing the bill for the wedding
(note 5) returned to the public=回饋市民
Return on compliment=回禮, 還禮
Return kindness with ingratitude=恩將仇報
Victor wishes readers many happy returns!=Victor (敬祝) 讀者多福多壽