Angry parents whose children missed out on discretionary Primary One places at their preferred school blasted (批評) the points system (計分制) after it was revealed the success rate was the lowest in more than a decade.
Children of siblings (兄弟姊妹) of alumni get preference for discretionary places.
The Education Bureau said 45,715 children applied for discretionary places in government and aided schools but only 20,795 were successful-the lowest success rate in 14 years. Last year 47.5 percent got their choice.
Many hopeful parents (note 2) learned the bad news when they arrived at their children’s preferred schools yesterday.
Outside La Salle Primary School in Kowloon City, parent Mrs Siu complained bitterly (嚴厲) about the system.
“I really wanted my son to study at the school. However, my husband is not an old boy, so he failed. The system is unfair to those who do not have past links (note 3) with the schools,” the mother said, adding that she will now apply to private school.
In contract, a father, surnamed Chau, thought the system just perfect. “My elder son was admitted three years ago, so I had hoped his younger brother would be accepted and he has been,,” Chau said, smiling broadly (滿臉笑容).
There are two categories of discretionary places admission, one of which is the system under which siblings or children of former graduates get 10 points.
Registration of successful applicants must be made tomorrow or Thursday during school hours. Children who have not been offered a place will automatically participate in the central allocation (note 4).
Parents can make up to three choices of school in or outside the school nte (note 5) in which they reside. The results will be released next June 2.
(note 1) miss out=得不著
Miss one’s aim=沒打中
Miss an opportunity=失去機會
He barely missed being killed=他幾乎送了命
(note 2) hopeful parents=滿懷希望的家長
Hopeful=抱有希望的, 有希望的, 有前途的
Hopefuls (noun)=有希望成功的人。Leung Chun-ying and others have formed a group of chief executive hopefuls.
(note 3) have past links=與學校有聯繫或關係
One link broken, the whole chain is broken=一環斷, 全鏈斷
The missing link=短缺的環節
(note 4) central allocation=中央分派
Centralized=把 (權力) 集中; 使 (國家等) 實行中央集權制, 集中
(note 5) outside the school net=在學校網外
Net=網路, 羅網, 陷阱
Mosquito net=蚊帳
Victor was caught in a net=victor 陷入羅網, 上了圈套
Cast [throw] a net=撒網
Draw in a net=接網