2012年1月18日 星期三

Trust most valued (note 1) in youth love survey

Young people vale trust as the most important aspect (方面) in lover, according to a survey.
The Church of United Brethren in Christ’s social service division surveyed 3,207 secondary students, aged 12 to 23, between October and November about their perception of love. Among 39 traits (特質), the youngsters put premium on (note 2) trust, consideration, loyalty, good communication and honesty.
The bottom five are being romantic, satisfying sexual needs, making surprises, being able to provide support and fulfilling materialistic desire.
In addition, they believe providing support to their partners is the most difficult to achieve (note 3).  Team leader Lee Mei-ying described the results as “positive” with youths having expectations of their partners. “They treat romance as a serious issue instead of regarding it as playful (兒戲). Some even asked us how to maintain the relationship. They have positive attitudes towards it,” she said.
Lee is also glad to see some media, which convey wrong messages about love, having limited impact.
“Some movies focus on one-night stands and cheating when describing how young people are in a relationship. But that’s not what every youngster will do,” she said.
The organization suggests parents be open and discuss issues with their children. When parents learn their children are dating, their reactions may be negative such as worrying their academic performance will be adversely affected (note 4). “We are not advocating young people date. But it is normal and unavoidable they will date if they have feelings for their partners,” Lee said.
She suggests schools teach students how to deal with different situations properly. The group has dealt with some cases of youngsters wanting to commit suicide after break-ups (分手).
“Since they are still young, they are not experienced in handling difficulties,” Lee said.
(note 1) most valued=最珍惜
Place a value on=估價, 評價
(note 2) put premium on=比較重視
Premium=溢價, 加價, 貼水, 升水
At a premium=(股票或債券) 以超過票面以上的價格; (比喻) 非常需要, 極受重視 (相反是 at discount)
Victor’s new book sells at a 20 percent premium=Victor 的新書是加價二成賣出的
(note 3) the most difficult to achieve=最困難達到
Achievement=成績, 成就
Achievement的同義詞 accomplishment, acquirement, acquisition, attainment, effort, feat etc…
(note 4) adversely affected=有壞影響
Adverse=不利的, 有害的, 不幸的
Adverse circumstance=逆境
Adverse criticisms=惡評, 非難
Adverse fate (fortune)=倒楣
Adverse wind=逆風

