The HIV/AIDS epidemic (傳染病) in Asia is slowing, but unprotected paid sex will continue to fuel (加油) it, according to a global report released in Geneva to mark World AIDS Day.
The 229-page Global HIV/AIDS Response progress report 2011 was prepared by the World Health Organisation, Unaids and Unicef.
The report documents “the extraordinary progress achieved over the past decade in the health sector response to HIV” worldwide.
In Asia, the rate of HIV transmission (愛滋病毒傳染) appears to be slowing. An estimated 360,000 people were newly infected (感染) with the virus that causes AIDS last year, fewer than the estimated 450,000 for 2001.
But the report said: “Various combinations of injecting drug use, unprotected sex between men and unprotected paid sex fuel the epidemics in this region, with paid sex especially prominent in the more mature epidemics.”
Clients of sex workers make up the largest population (note 2) at higher risk in Asia between 0.5 percent and 15 percent of adult men in the region are believed to buy sex.
In addition, epidemics among men who have sex with men are also growing across the region (note 3).
Meanwhile, “iconic” (note 4) Fa Yuen Street should not be relocated but instead be improved to reduce fire risks, Secretary for Food and Health York Chow Yat –ngok said.
Chow said safety measures at the market have been strengthened since the last arson (縱火) case almost exactly a year ago.
These include keeping the merchandise within a certain boundary (note 5) and at a distance from surrounding buildings.
“For many in Hong Kong, Fa Yuen Street is an icon, a place for shopping. I don’t think we should replace it or make any significant changes,” Chow said.
(note 1) on march=穩步前進 (steady forward movement).
March to a different tune=獨樹一幟
Marching orders=出發令,免職通知,開拔令
On the march=行軍中, 進行中
Steal a march=搶先一步, 偷偷地搶在某人前頭
(note 2) the largest population=最大的群體
At large=自由,未被捕, 逍遙自在
by and large=從全體看來
(note 3) across the region=整個地區
Walk across the street=穿過街道
Victor lives across the road= Victor 住在馬路對面
All across China=全中國
Victor came across and old friend last night= Victor 昨晚碰見了一個老朋友
Come across Victor’s mind= Victor 忽然想起
(note 4) iconic=偶像般的,極有代表性的
(note 5) within a certain boundary=限制在一定範圍內
Boundary dispute=邊界糾紛