佢個衰人自己鬼咁早就放工,係咁起度催催催,仲成日都話都唔明D 會計有咩做,做乜鬼成日都要OT,你估我想家咩,出左糧咪要做囉,除了要做、仲要受氣、又要捱鬧,究竟幾時先至可以退休?做人實在係太矛盾,有野做又覺得太辛苦,放長假又覺得太悶好似浪費緊光陰咁,點先至可以找到個平衡點呢?我好厭倦現在的工作,每日都好似日個機器重重覆覆的工作...好厭倦日日無止境的工作...生命的意莪是甚麼呢?
好在辛辛苦苦的工作都可以換來一餐美味的食物,食完吉野家的Shabu Shabu,真係可一不可再,以價錢計這個份量加食物質素已經超出水準,我地今日選了蟹之濃湯海鮮火鍋及天婦羅濃湯火鍋再加一客芝心丸。蟹之濃湯海鮮火鍋佢個湯底係蟹湯,我自己就覺得好淡同埋個蟹味好假又唔鮮甜,不過幾十蚊又何來用太高的要求去厘定呢?反而細佬就幾鐘意話個味道淡淡地幾好味,天婦羅濃湯火鍋個湯底我就幾鐘意,可能係我鐘意食濃味的食物,但係細佬就話個湯底太鹹。
2012年1月31日 星期二
Superbug leads to (note 1) five deaths
Cross-infection (交叉感染) occurred in tow recent clusters of hospital-acquired superbug (超級病菌) infections that resulted in five deaths, the Hospital Authority has admitted.
As of Monday, eight Caritas Medical Centre patients have been confirmed to have vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus bacteria (note 2), while 32 have the same superbug at Queen Elizabeth Hospital. The five deaths occurred at the latter (note 3).
Both hospitals will be provided with an ultraviolet device form next month to help prevent spread (散播) of the superbug.
The move follows a worrying trend (note 4) that has seen the number of new patients testing positive for VRE in hospitals grow from nine in 2009 to 15 last year and to 25 so far this year. Tests carried out on stool samples of patients, who sought treatment in accident and emergency wards (note 5) in 15 hospitals for diarrhea between October 17 and 21, also found two out of 141 were VRE carriers.
They were form Caritas and Princess Margaret Hospital.
The eight patients at Caritas “all have interacted (接動) with one or another in the same ward,” said Annie Leung Fat-ying, a nurse specialist in infection control.
“So far, the epidemic (傳染病) is under control…and no new cases have been found.”
Leung said once patients become resistant to vancomycin, a commonly used antibiotic, it will be harder to treat them, leading to severe conditions (note 6), such as urinary (泌尿) tract infections.
Dominic Tsang Ngai-chong, the authority’s chief infection control officer, said in the Queen Elizabeth outbreak (爆發), neurosurgery patients were at high risk.
Meanwhile, staff morale at public hospitals has improved in recent months with the brain drain of doctors to the private sector easing toward the year-end, according to the Hospital Authority.
(note 1) leads to=引致
Lead=領導, 引導, 帶領, 率領, 指揮, 領導, 主持
All roads lead to Rome=條條道路通羅馬
This road leads to the Shingmoon river=這條路通往河邊
Follow the lead of Julian=跟著Julian 走
Hold a safe lead=遙遙領先
(note 2) bacteria=細菌
(note 3) the latter=後者
The former=前者
(note 4) a worrying trend=令人擔憂的趨勢
(note 5) accident and emergency wards=急症室
(note 6) leading to severe conditions=引致嚴重情況
Severe=嚴肅的; 嚴正的
Severe pain=劇痛
Severe wound=重傷
Severe sickness [disease]=重病
severe的同義詞有 stern, austere, ascetic, strict等
2012年1月30日 星期一
Parents rage (感憤怒) after kids miss out (note 1) on school spot
Angry parents whose children missed out on discretionary Primary One places at their preferred school blasted (批評) the points system (計分制) after it was revealed the success rate was the lowest in more than a decade.
Children of siblings (兄弟姊妹) of alumni get preference for discretionary places.
The Education Bureau said 45,715 children applied for discretionary places in government and aided schools but only 20,795 were successful-the lowest success rate in 14 years. Last year 47.5 percent got their choice.
Many hopeful parents (note 2) learned the bad news when they arrived at their children’s preferred schools yesterday.
Outside La Salle Primary School in Kowloon City, parent Mrs Siu complained bitterly (嚴厲) about the system.
“I really wanted my son to study at the school. However, my husband is not an old boy, so he failed. The system is unfair to those who do not have past links (note 3) with the schools,” the mother said, adding that she will now apply to private school.
In contract, a father, surnamed Chau, thought the system just perfect. “My elder son was admitted three years ago, so I had hoped his younger brother would be accepted and he has been,,” Chau said, smiling broadly (滿臉笑容).
There are two categories of discretionary places admission, one of which is the system under which siblings or children of former graduates get 10 points.
Registration of successful applicants must be made tomorrow or Thursday during school hours. Children who have not been offered a place will automatically participate in the central allocation (note 4).
Parents can make up to three choices of school in or outside the school nte (note 5) in which they reside. The results will be released next June 2.
(note 1) miss out=得不著
Miss one’s aim=沒打中
Miss an opportunity=失去機會
He barely missed being killed=他幾乎送了命
(note 2) hopeful parents=滿懷希望的家長
Hopeful=抱有希望的, 有希望的, 有前途的
Hopefuls (noun)=有希望成功的人。Leung Chun-ying and others have formed a group of chief executive hopefuls.
(note 3) have past links=與學校有聯繫或關係
One link broken, the whole chain is broken=一環斷, 全鏈斷
The missing link=短缺的環節
(note 4) central allocation=中央分派
Centralized=把 (權力) 集中; 使 (國家等) 實行中央集權制, 集中
(note 5) outside the school net=在學校網外
Net=網路, 羅網, 陷阱
Mosquito net=蚊帳
Victor was caught in a net=victor 陷入羅網, 上了圈套
Cast [throw] a net=撒網
Draw in a net=接網
2012年1月29日 星期日
1. 蠔豉洗淨,以清水浸15至20分鐘,浸蠔豉水留用
2. 燒熱油,加入薑片爆蠔豉、冬菇
3. 加入蠔豉水及清水至蓋過所有食材
4. 落蠔油、生抽及糖炆30分鐘,加入生粉埋茨
1. 蠔豉洗淨,以清水浸15至20分鐘,浸蠔豉水留用
2. 燒熱油,加入薑片爆蠔豉、冬菇
3. 加入蠔豉水及清水至蓋過所有食材
4. 落蠔油、生抽及糖炆30分鐘,加入生粉埋茨
Kobashi-Rose Facial Oil
月初的時候起Kobashi 訂了這個rose facial oil,因為之前個瓶nyr 已經用完,所以急不及待試用這個按摩油,初時仲以為自己唔記得訂多個dropper 用是會好唔方便,但當我打開左個蓋時發現,個設計都好貼心,佢唔須要用dropper,佢好似平時用的香薰油的咁,佢有個滴咀,好方便使用,我自己覺得比較難滴出來,不過比多少少耐心,咁就一定滴到你想要的份量。
2012年1月28日 星期六
譚仔雲南米線 (三哥)
已經好多個月都無食過譚仔,年初三個日已經想出去食,後來起譚仔個FB 見到佢話初五啟市,所以要等到今日先至可以去食。
半客土匪雞翼 $16/3隻
半客土匪雞翼 $16/3隻
2012年1月26日 星期四
Focus on youth as digital project begins
Secondary students will be entering the world of digital video thanks to a new project.
A nine-month project launched yesterday involves a series of seminars and forums (note 1), interactive workshops, exchange activities and a competition.
It is being supported by the Academy of Film at Hong Kong Baptist University and the government’s youth portal (網上平台).
Youth.gov.hk managing director Patricia Lau described the project as “a precious opportunity” for students “to polish their video production skills (note 2) through an enjoyable learning process and explore (探查) their creativity.”
Lau said the Youth Inno-action Seeds Project was inspired (啟發) by a short film competition for secondary students, organized by Youth.gov.hk, and a presentation ceremony was held recently.
Speaking at the same ceremony, Academy of Film director Cheuk Pak-tong said the institution is dedicated to nurturing professional talent (note 3) in the film and television sectors as well as in digital video production.
Cheuk said: “The project will give students, interested in developing their career in this discipline (這一行業), an idea about the technical operations of the industry.
“Also, through a series of interactive workshops students will be able to learn how each professional sector functions.
“In this way they will be able to decide their area of interest (note 4) and opt for (note 5) suitable courses at the university. “Students will also gain valuable insights (洞察力) in film-creation techniques and production from four veterans (資深人士) well-known media personality Lau Tin-chi, film directors Kenneth Bi and Derek Kwok and renowned actor Liu Kai-chi.
In addition to the seminars, there will be a series of digital video production workshops covering all aspects (note 6) of film production-directing, cinematography and lighting, sound recording, post-production and film language.
Students will also given a chance to produce a digital video.
(note 1) a series of seminars and forums=一連串的研討會和講座
A series of=一系列, 許多
Series=套, 輯, 叢刊, 叢書, 連續, 系列
A series of victories=連戰連勝
A series of misfortunes=一連串的不幸
(note 2) polish their video production skills=改善他們的錄像製作技巧
Polish=使簡練, 使醇化, 使優美, 推敲, 潤飾 (文章等) (polish up).
Polish one’s boots=擦亮皮鞋
Polish up=完成, 改善, 改進
(note 3) nurturing professional talent=培育專業人才
Nurture=養育, 培育, 教養
(note 4) their area of interest=他們感興趣的範圍
(note 5) opt for=選擇
Opt out=撤退, 退出, 辭職
Option (noun)=取捨, 選擇權, 選擇自由, 可選擇的東西
Imprisonment without the option of a fine=不能用罰款代的禁錮刑期
Option 在投資學上叫 [期權]
(note 6) covering all aspects=照顧各方面
Aspect=局熱, 形勢, 局面
A thing in its true aspect=事物的真相
Consider a question in all its aspects=由各方面考慮問題
Pekkle 保溫瓶
今日係年初四,今日就已經要返工,返工第一日真係唔想OT,費是由年頭做到年尾,來日方長想點ot 都得啦,所以六點半左右已經放左工,放左工第一件事當然係去shopping啦!
今日第一站本來係想去買件皮褸,因為之前洗衣鋪賠返比我個$2,000我都仲未買到一件合心水的羽絨,所以唸住用來買件皮褸就算,如可惜係好多地方因為大減價的關係已經全部沽清,而有得買的店鋪的款式亦不合我心水,行下行下就係去左playlord,嘩!playlord 減價減到好誇張,只係花費左千幾蚊就可以買到好返工衫,買完之後就去最後一站-征服世界,其實我都唔知佢開門未,只係去碰下運氣,好在佢開左門。
pekkle 真係出左好多新產品,我今次的目標只係買這個保溫瓶,佢令次出左兩個size,分別係250ml & 300ml 售價都係$99,因為250ml 真在係太細個對我來講無乜作為,因為唔想再買咁多唔實用的產品,所以我只係買左300ml 這款。
好在今日自己打開個盒驗貨,一打開個盒見到個pekkle 圖案真係好恐怖,有兩個pekkle 塊面d 色刮到甩晒,之後再打開兩個嚟睇,兩個都係有少許印花左,因為唔係吹先生的關係,店員見我左揀右揀,已經好不耐煩咁話呢d 唔係日版,一定會有瑕疵,只係睇左三個姐,服務態度就變成咁,如果唔係旺角無giftgate,我真係唔想再去佢地度買野囉...
返到屋企再睇返這個保溫瓶係邊個licence 出,原來係daniel & co,跟住個心概嘆左一句,近來出的產品真係越來越無承意...或者只係之前對這個licence 有太大的期望吧!
今日第一站本來係想去買件皮褸,因為之前洗衣鋪賠返比我個$2,000我都仲未買到一件合心水的羽絨,所以唸住用來買件皮褸就算,如可惜係好多地方因為大減價的關係已經全部沽清,而有得買的店鋪的款式亦不合我心水,行下行下就係去左playlord,嘩!playlord 減價減到好誇張,只係花費左千幾蚊就可以買到好返工衫,買完之後就去最後一站-征服世界,其實我都唔知佢開門未,只係去碰下運氣,好在佢開左門。
pekkle 真係出左好多新產品,我今次的目標只係買這個保溫瓶,佢令次出左兩個size,分別係250ml & 300ml 售價都係$99,因為250ml 真在係太細個對我來講無乜作為,因為唔想再買咁多唔實用的產品,所以我只係買左300ml 這款。
好在今日自己打開個盒驗貨,一打開個盒見到個pekkle 圖案真係好恐怖,有兩個pekkle 塊面d 色刮到甩晒,之後再打開兩個嚟睇,兩個都係有少許印花左,因為唔係吹先生的關係,店員見我左揀右揀,已經好不耐煩咁話呢d 唔係日版,一定會有瑕疵,只係睇左三個姐,服務態度就變成咁,如果唔係旺角無giftgate,我真係唔想再去佢地度買野囉...
返到屋企再睇返這個保溫瓶係邊個licence 出,原來係daniel & co,跟住個心概嘆左一句,近來出的產品真係越來越無承意...或者只係之前對這個licence 有太大的期望吧!
2012年1月23日 星期一
1. 預備薑汁兩湯匙
2. 將250毫升冷牛奶,放入微波爐內以高加熱1分50秒 (1100瓦) [(2分鐘/1000瓦、2分10秒/900瓦,2分30秒/800瓦)], 取出後加入白糖攪拌至完全溶解
3. 將加熱的牛奶倒入一個沒有加熱的碗來,之後再將之倒回加熱的器皿內,如是者做十次 (目的是要將空氣加入牛奶內,令牛奶更滑)
4. 攪拌薑汁,令薑汁內的白色沉澱物與薑汁拌勻,將熱牛奶加入已盛放薑汁的碗內
5. 等待3-4分鐘至奶完全凝固
1. 預備薑汁兩湯匙
2. 將250毫升冷牛奶,放入微波爐內以高加熱1分50秒 (1100瓦) [(2分鐘/1000瓦、2分10秒/900瓦,2分30秒/800瓦)], 取出後加入白糖攪拌至完全溶解
3. 將加熱的牛奶倒入一個沒有加熱的碗來,之後再將之倒回加熱的器皿內,如是者做十次 (目的是要將空氣加入牛奶內,令牛奶更滑)
4. 攪拌薑汁,令薑汁內的白色沉澱物與薑汁拌勻,將熱牛奶加入已盛放薑汁的碗內
5. 等待3-4分鐘至奶完全凝固
2012年1月22日 星期日
每年農曆新年我都喜歡到舊式的餅鋪買一些賀年的食品回家,而油角仔更是必定會買的食物,之前已經起花園街-奇趣餅家買了半碗油角仔,所以今日就去了旺角的明華餅家同樣都係買油角仔,明華餅家有兩款油角仔,只係個皮唔同,佢有一款叫做脆皮、另外一款係酥皮,因為唔知邊款好味d 所以兩款都買了半磅。
材料:蘿蔔 3斤、臘腸 4條、臘肉140克、蝦米 60克、冬菇 3隻、乾瑤柱 4粒、粘米粉 6兩 (1兩=38克, ttl228克)、澄麵粉 2兩、蠔油、胡椒粉
材料:蘿蔔 3斤、臘腸 4條、臘肉140克、蝦米 60克、冬菇 3隻、乾瑤柱 4粒、粘米粉 6兩 (1兩=38克, ttl228克)、澄麵粉 2兩、蠔油、胡椒粉
2012年1月21日 星期六
Amiz~lip product
今日終於都有時間可以去 Amiz 度拎之前gi gi 幫我訂的lip balm,lip balm + 唇部磨砂 $396。Elaine真係好好人,佢送左三款花茶比我試。仲同我暢談時下都市人的遇到的壓力,如何於這個煩囂的都市中,御下自己的壓力。講講下我都發現自己平時都有一定的壓力而影響到我的生理狀態。
無論如何多謝elaine 送給我的花荼,真係好好飲,下次會再去買。
無論如何多謝elaine 送給我的花荼,真係好好飲,下次會再去買。
今日過得好開心,其實開心係咪真係咁簡單,我只係期望可以同豬仔過一d 簡簡單單的生活,但係現實總是不能盡如人意,有時我對住佢係有一點唔捨得,無論有幾唔捨得、無論愛有多深,我倆或者只會走到一個終意,或者時間可以沖淡一切,無論可否做到都總有放手的一日,人的生命係不斷的磨練,竟然要令到自己困在一個死胡同裏,倒不如放手讓大家都接受下不同的事物,人就係咁未失去過從來都唔會珍惜,當失去就會後悔,人真係矛盾!
或者我倆的關係只能夠停留於起步點,開心過、傷心過、經歷過,但係任由我對你幾好,我都係覺得我唔會係你心裏面的ms right,不如算啦,我真係好攰啦,等!我唔會等到我渴望的愛,我真係好想放低我們這段十多年的感情,足足浪費了十多年的光陰換來的又係d 乜。
等緊位食晚飯時順道起i square 行左一陣,豬仔記得我枝電動牙刷壞左,佢買左一枝比我,雖然並唔係一d 咩好貴重的禮物,但都甜在心頭。今晚食完飯終於都一圓咁多年來想一齊去行年宵的心願,雖然真係好逼,但手牽手一起行年宵真的好開心。
或者我倆的關係只能夠停留於起步點,開心過、傷心過、經歷過,但係任由我對你幾好,我都係覺得我唔會係你心裏面的ms right,不如算啦,我真係好攰啦,等!我唔會等到我渴望的愛,我真係好想放低我們這段十多年的感情,足足浪費了十多年的光陰換來的又係d 乜。
等緊位食晚飯時順道起i square 行左一陣,豬仔記得我枝電動牙刷壞左,佢買左一枝比我,雖然並唔係一d 咩好貴重的禮物,但都甜在心頭。今晚食完飯終於都一圓咁多年來想一齊去行年宵的心願,雖然真係好逼,但手牽手一起行年宵真的好開心。
2012年1月19日 星期四
NYR-Rehydrating Rose Daily Moisture
又清理左一件即張過期的NYR,好啦!我又要繼續清理埋餘下的產品,今次用的產品係Rehydrating Rose Daily Moisture,一向都以為rose 必下會好保濕,今次真係跌眼鏡,真係估唔到囉,佢唔保濕不特止,搽左上面仲衰過唔搽,佢個質地好稀好流質,搽完上面之後塊面會好崩緊,好似面上的水份被抽左出嚟咁,真係搽完仲衰過唔搽,我已經用左一個星期每次都有這個感覺,我真係唔想再用佢囉...
2012年1月18日 星期三
今日lunch time 特登走左去cwb 拎這盒年糕,拎完先至知這家酒家係2012 米芝蓮推介的食府,真係一獲國際知名食家推介後,個名即時升價。盒椰汁年糕只係得半個盒的份量,好心啦!換個個細D GE 盒咁睇落去唔會咁寒酸...
Trust most valued (note 1) in youth love survey
Young people vale trust as the most important aspect (方面) in lover, according to a survey.
The Church of United Brethren in Christ’s social service division surveyed 3,207 secondary students, aged 12 to 23, between October and November about their perception of love. Among 39 traits (特質), the youngsters put premium on (note 2) trust, consideration, loyalty, good communication and honesty.
The bottom five are being romantic, satisfying sexual needs, making surprises, being able to provide support and fulfilling materialistic desire.
In addition, they believe providing support to their partners is the most difficult to achieve (note 3). Team leader Lee Mei-ying described the results as “positive” with youths having expectations of their partners. “They treat romance as a serious issue instead of regarding it as playful (兒戲). Some even asked us how to maintain the relationship. They have positive attitudes towards it,” she said.
Lee is also glad to see some media, which convey wrong messages about love, having limited impact.
“Some movies focus on one-night stands and cheating when describing how young people are in a relationship. But that’s not what every youngster will do,” she said.
The organization suggests parents be open and discuss issues with their children. When parents learn their children are dating, their reactions may be negative such as worrying their academic performance will be adversely affected (note 4). “We are not advocating young people date. But it is normal and unavoidable they will date if they have feelings for their partners,” Lee said.
She suggests schools teach students how to deal with different situations properly. The group has dealt with some cases of youngsters wanting to commit suicide after break-ups (分手).
“Since they are still young, they are not experienced in handling difficulties,” Lee said.
(note 1) most valued=最珍惜
Place a value on=估價, 評價
(note 2) put premium on=比較重視
Premium=溢價, 加價, 貼水, 升水
At a premium=(股票或債券) 以超過票面以上的價格; (比喻) 非常需要, 極受重視 (相反是 at discount)
Victor’s new book sells at a 20 percent premium=Victor 的新書是加價二成賣出的
(note 3) the most difficult to achieve=最困難達到
Achievement=成績, 成就
Achievement的同義詞 accomplishment, acquirement, acquisition, attainment, effort, feat etc…
(note 4) adversely affected=有壞影響
Adverse=不利的, 有害的, 不幸的
Adverse circumstance=逆境
Adverse criticisms=惡評, 非難
Adverse fate (fortune)=倒楣
Adverse wind=逆風
2012年1月17日 星期二
Anger over cyber controls
About 100 netizens (網民) took to the streets yesterday to protest against the government plan to amend the copyright law, saying it is trying to spread white terror (note 1).
The amendment is an attempt to kill Hongkongers creativity by bringing an end to parodies (滑稽性模仿詩文等作品) that have been very popular in the cyberworld, the protester said.
Carrying a blow-up doll with the face of lawmarker Chan Kam-lam, the chairman of the Bills Committee on Copyright (Amendment) Bill 2011, the group gathered at the Hong Kong Cultural Centre in Tsim Sha Tsui, took a ferry to Wan Chai and marched (遊行) to the intellectual Property Department office. Cindy Ng Ka-sin, convener of organizer Keyboard Frontline, said the amendment is an attempt to crack down on (note 2) freedom of speech and to spread white terror.
She said derivative works (note 3), such as putting a politician’s face on a movie poster, are an expression of creativity and should not be banned.
Citing the case of Chan Nai-ming-who was arrested in 2005 and sentenced to three months in jail and fined HK$5,000 for uploading several films on the internet-Ng said the government already has the power to arrest copyright infringers (note 4) with the existing bill.
“We don’t see the need for such an amendment”, she said. The government introduced the bill in June, under which anyone who distributes the work of others without their consent (note 5) using any kind of electronic transmission may face civil action.
In considering whether the infringement is criminal, several factors will be considered such as the nature of the work and its commercial value.
The Commerce and Economic Development Bureau said the government will study whether to introduce an exception for derivative works.
(note 1) spread white terror=散發白色恐怖
a white day=吉日
a white night=不眠的一夜
as white as a sheet=(面色) 刷白
turn white=變蒼白
The White Terror=白色恐怖 (歷史; 指1975年保王黨員對革命黨的殘酷報復)
(note 2) crack down on=鎮壓
The crack of a whip=鞭聲
The crack of thunder=雷鳴
A crack on the head=頭上的一擊
(note 3) derivative works=由一份品衍生出的其他作品
Derivative=導出的, 延伸的
Derivatives=投資的衍生工具例如期權 (options) 和認股權證 (warrants)
(note 4) copyright infringers=侵犯版權者
Infringe=破壞 (法律等), ,侵犯 (權利等), 違返 (協定等)
(note 5) without their consent=未經成者同意
With one consent=異口同聲, 全體一致
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