2012年12月29日 星期六
Death brings clamp (打擊) on beauty business
Beauty centers and staff conducting high-risk medical treatments will be regulated to prevent a recurrence of a blood transfusion after which customer died, the health minister announced.
Secretary for Food and Health Ko Wing-man also said the government will clamp down (note 1) hard on misleading medical claims and unlicensed (沒有執照的) doctors who carry out such treatments while a yearlong review is being conducted.
Restaurant boss Chan Yuen-lam, 46, died on Wednesday after suffering septic shock hours after receiving a processed blood injection-costing some HK$50,000-at a DR beauty center last week. Three other women were stricken (患病) after similar treatment. One remained critical last night while the others were described as serious and stable.
A superbug (超級病毒) associated with tuberculosis, Mycobacterium abscessus, has been implicated. Ko said yesterday he will chair a 29-member steering committed to review two decades-old (note 2) laws “to strengthen the regulatory controls of private health-care facilities, including high-risk medical treatments, in order to safeguard public safety.” It will aim to put “any premises (經營場所) which conduct high-risk medical treatments or procedures under regulatory control.”
Laboratories will also be covered.
Ko said the review will try to meet community calls (note 3) for tighter regulations on the beauty industry and provide “clear definitions to differentiate beauty therapies from medical treatment.”
Currently private health-care facilities are required to register with the Department of Health under different ordinances.
But the two laws were enacted in 1936 and 1963 respectively, and no major revision (note 4) has been introduced to them since 1966. Director of Health Constance Chan Hon-yee said upon completion of the police and departmental investigation, the case will be referred to Medical Council for possible disciplinary (紀律的) action against doctors involved.
(note 1) clamp down=強行限制。例句:The sparkling illuminations along both sides of the Victoria Harbour have caused serious light pollution in Hong Kong. Environmentalists are now urging the government to clamp down on the illuminations
(note 2) two decades-old=二十年的。例句:The two decades-old mobile phone that John owned was considered useless by most, but he saw the mobile phone as a precious pearl as it was a gift from his father.
(note 3) to meet community calls=應社的要求。例句:Mainlanders have veen criticized by Hongkongers for exploiting Hong Kong’s precious resources, such as services provided by public hospitals. The Hong Kong government will try to meet community calls by imposing policies to ensure that locals’ rights will not be infringed upon.
(note 4) major revision=主要修訂。例句:There has been no major revision on school rules in Welton Academy since 1912. Excellence, honor, discipline and tradition have always been the four principles followed by its students.
2012年12月26日 星期三
Green groups protest against man-made (人造的) beach
Various green groups marched(前進) yesterday from Central pier to the government headquarters at Tamar to protest against the building of an artificial beach at Lung Mei, Tai Po.
There are more than 200 types of marine life and insects (note1) in the area, including 97 species of butterflies, 35 percent of which are rare.
Wearing blue shirts symbolizing the ocean, the marchers took with them a petition containing more than 3,000 signatures urging the government to shelve (擱置) the project.
Hong Kong Wildlife Forum spokesman Wong Chi-chun stressed the ecological value of Lung Mei, with starfish and crabs living in its shallow waters and on the shore. The government should not spend pubic money on an artificial beach that is not suitable for swimming and which will damage the natural environment, Wong said.
Many Hongkongers want to preserve the natural environment in Lung Mei, not only the green groups, he added.
He criticized the government for not spending enough time on public consultation before calling for (note 2) bids.
Wong said it will be difficult to change the decision since the Town Planning Board has given the project the go-signal (note 3) and the Legislative Council has approved the budget.
Nevertheless, the hopes the government will listen to their views before making a final decision.
The marchers would like to urge the government to build a public swimming pool at Lung Mei instead.
The green groups will have a meeting with different government departments today to explain the details of the proposed swimming pool. Bidding for the Lung Mei project ends in mid-October and construction is expected to start next month.
Meanwhile, alleviating poverty (note 4) among our senior citizens ranks high on the agenda of the current administration.
(note 1) marine life and insects=海洋生物和昆蟲。例句: As there is a shortage in the supply of land, the government has decided to have more reclamation. However, this has raised much concern among citizens as this will endanger different kinds of marine life and insects.
(note 2) call for=求助。例句:I have decided to call for professors’ to see if there is another way to help with my studies.
(note 3) the go-signal=准許。例句:Before giving the go-signal on building the high-speed rail to Chinese cities, the government should spend more time on public consultation.
(note 4) alleviate poverty=舒緩貧窮。例句:There are many underprivileged people who are living hand-to mouth. In order to alleviate poverty, the government should provide subsidies to these people.
2012年12月25日 星期二
錢係好辛苦咁先至可以賺到,何必因為一時衝動買買左一d 無必要的物品返屋企,既阻地方,又無所作為。
今日仲有個好大的任務就係要幫我心愛的pekkle 清白白,佢封塵幾年,唔搞佢由自可,一搞佢就大鑊,pekkle 無左條眉、有d 就無左個咀,好在我平時晝自己條眉日子有功,好不容易我就幫pekkle 畫返一條靚眉。當然係無原裝咁好睇,不過都叫做靚仔返就算啦!至於其他個d 公仔我都唔知點處理,個畫的黃色應該去買d 乜同佢填返d 顏色呢?

錢係好辛苦咁先至可以賺到,何必因為一時衝動買買左一d 無必要的物品返屋企,既阻地方,又無所作為。
今日仲有個好大的任務就係要幫我心愛的pekkle 清白白,佢封塵幾年,唔搞佢由自可,一搞佢就大鑊,pekkle 無左條眉、有d 就無左個咀,好在我平時晝自己條眉日子有功,好不容易我就幫pekkle 畫返一條靚眉。當然係無原裝咁好睇,不過都叫做靚仔返就算啦!至於其他個d 公仔我都唔知點處理,個畫的黃色應該去買d 乜同佢填返d 顏色呢?
2012年12月23日 星期日
反正都去到當然要走返一轉啦,pekkle 只係我起地個圈子好紅,今日見到好多pekkle 賣剩庶減價,減幅都幾大,不過我無買,因為我實在太多pekkle 都唔知點樣先至可以用得晒佢地,唔通真係要等我百年歸老時陪我一起走?
唔可以咁樣,我一定要將用得的都用左去,所以唔可以再買咁多,一件就夠啦,最令我頭痛的是杯,我已經儲落左好多款pekkle 杯,但係一隻杯用十年都唔會爛,咁我個幾十個杯點算呢?有無人可以教下我呀?
今次見個pekkle 杯顏色好鮮明,個設計又特別,我自己其實已經偏向鐘意用一隻容量比較大的杯,因為我返工好少行去斟水,所以一隻大杯可以確保我每日都飲到較多的水嘛,行嚟行去斟水你話幾鬼麻煩呢!去到吉之島我唸左好耐買唔買呢隻杯好,因為隻杯個容量唔算十分多,唔算十分符合我的要求,唸左一陣隻杯都係$89,加上一場嚟到,而且我真係好鐘意,所以咪又係死死地氣帶埋佢返屋企囉!

反正都去到當然要走返一轉啦,pekkle 只係我起地個圈子好紅,今日見到好多pekkle 賣剩庶減價,減幅都幾大,不過我無買,因為我實在太多pekkle 都唔知點樣先至可以用得晒佢地,唔通真係要等我百年歸老時陪我一起走?
唔可以咁樣,我一定要將用得的都用左去,所以唔可以再買咁多,一件就夠啦,最令我頭痛的是杯,我已經儲落左好多款pekkle 杯,但係一隻杯用十年都唔會爛,咁我個幾十個杯點算呢?有無人可以教下我呀?
今次見個pekkle 杯顏色好鮮明,個設計又特別,我自己其實已經偏向鐘意用一隻容量比較大的杯,因為我返工好少行去斟水,所以一隻大杯可以確保我每日都飲到較多的水嘛,行嚟行去斟水你話幾鬼麻煩呢!去到吉之島我唸左好耐買唔買呢隻杯好,因為隻杯個容量唔算十分多,唔算十分符合我的要求,唸左一陣隻杯都係$89,加上一場嚟到,而且我真係好鐘意,所以咪又係死死地氣帶埋佢返屋企囉!
2012年12月21日 星期五
Hello Kitty & Friends Sweet Delight-No.25 My Melody
點知落到去7-11仲有得換喎,既然同佢有緣咁咪換一隻囉,我個心只係想要My Melody,所以返到屋企好緊張,係咁摸佢估下抽中邊隻,其實個命中率係好高,因為得兩款有50%係中,所以我今次換得比較放心!

點知落到去7-11仲有得換喎,既然同佢有緣咁咪換一隻囉,我個心只係想要My Melody,所以返到屋企好緊張,係咁摸佢估下抽中邊隻,其實個命中率係好高,因為得兩款有50%係中,所以我今次換得比較放心!
2012年12月16日 星期日
Dr. Bauer Eye Wrinkle Ironer

2012年12月15日 星期六
之前起open rice 見到呢間川之味麻辣米線,見d 人講到好食過譚仔,我就專程嚟試一試佢,佢真係幾抵食,但係又未至於好味過譚仔囉,以米線計我就鐘意譚仔多d,但係雞翼我就鐘意食川之味,因為川之味的麻辣雞翼佢入口就即時有一陣麻辣的感覺,入口香脆麻辣真係好味到不得了。
2012年12月14日 星期五
ABC Kitchen
今日係我地CARZY WOMEN CLUB GATHERING,我地去左皇后街市呢個ABC Kitchen食飯,聽聞呢個餐廳成日都FULL,我地都早左成個月book 枱,去到個然好多人,仲有幾個walk in 客想食,可惜所有位都已經被預訂,見佢地好無隱咁離開....
ABC Kitchen的食物唔算好貴,但係地方及環境都係唔係咁理想,話晒個到都係一個街市,地方好細,加上好嘈,如果想靜靜地坐起度傾計真係好難,我地只係想傾下計,但係無論幾大聲都聽到大家講乜,所以我地食完之後都好快就走左!
世界其實彷彿好似好大,但係今日起同一個地方竟然比我遇上chirs & 佢女友,要起好多因為素下先至可以偶然地遇上chris,真係感覺到好有緣,不過chris 比迪迪搞到佢有少少尷尬囉,chris 真係一個好年青的ar sir,所以大家見到佢都讚嘆佢好後生,所以佢咪勁尷尬囉!
今晚食到最好味的食物就係個帶子湯同埋D 甜品,其他的食物就普通啦!鴨胸就煮得太熟所以好"鞋",其他不過不失,如果要早一個月book 呢個地方食飯,我自己就唔會去囉,因為實在係太嘈都唔方便傾計!

ABC Kitchen的食物唔算好貴,但係地方及環境都係唔係咁理想,話晒個到都係一個街市,地方好細,加上好嘈,如果想靜靜地坐起度傾計真係好難,我地只係想傾下計,但係無論幾大聲都聽到大家講乜,所以我地食完之後都好快就走左!
世界其實彷彿好似好大,但係今日起同一個地方竟然比我遇上chirs & 佢女友,要起好多因為素下先至可以偶然地遇上chris,真係感覺到好有緣,不過chris 比迪迪搞到佢有少少尷尬囉,chris 真係一個好年青的ar sir,所以大家見到佢都讚嘆佢好後生,所以佢咪勁尷尬囉!
今晚食到最好味的食物就係個帶子湯同埋D 甜品,其他的食物就普通啦!鴨胸就煮得太熟所以好"鞋",其他不過不失,如果要早一個月book 呢個地方食飯,我自己就唔會去囉,因為實在係太嘈都唔方便傾計!
2012年12月13日 星期四
Cellbone-Antiaging Skin Hydrating Gel
X'mas gift from vendor
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