近來好鐘意用香薰的產品,所以今次買了evie makeup remover來試下,佢成份好天然,泵了兩泵出來搽在面上打圈已經聞到一陣陣好香的薰衣草混合依蘭的香味,好鐘意這個氣味,落完妝之後塊面又唔會乾,仲好補濕,佢同平時的落卸油都係一樣,於面上打圈讓面上的化妝品溶解,之後再加水讓面上的卸妝油乳化,之後再過水就OK 啦!
evie makeup remover 價錢比較貴 $320/180ml,但係成份天然加上又補濕真係好岩我用。雖然貴少少但係都值得回購!
2012年2月28日 星期二
2012年2月25日 星期六
,話晒我自己都係一個八十後,但我想我真的與她們脫節,今時今日的人個個對工作都不負責任,個個都抱怨工作上沒有進升的空間,試問一個員工只是想每天不用勞碌就可以有糧出,這個世界並沒有不勞而獲,亦唔會有便費午餐。但我對這批怪異的八十後報以一個怪異的目光,個個都不負責任,自己做唔晒的工作又期望別人會執手尾,或者係我太out 啦,我唸我都要調節一下迎合返這班人,如果唔係我咪會變得標奇立異囉
由上年12月開始,我已經有一個同事直接under 我幫我入機,這個同事初時的表現都幾好幾盡責,自從佢的工作堆積了一個星期都未有做完,因為公司有規定必須於兩日內完成手上的工作,於是我好心同佢講,做唔晒一係就ot,如果唔想平日ot 可以星期六 / 日返工,我相信這只是工作上最低的要求,其實出得佢份糧,係咪應該盡責少少呢,我明白你之前份工係做開AA,但無人迫你入嚟做家,亦都無人要你down grade 做clerk,所有野都係你自己的一個選擇,可能你覺覺得自己做開AA, 今日你入到嚟要你入單做T/T對你來講係大才小用,但係請你明白,每個職位都有不同的工種,我地公司只會安排這些卑微的工作給clerk做,你做唔晒係咪好應該自己想辦法呢?
我只係同佢講完ot 或者星期六 / 日返工過了幾天她就辭職唔做,而佢同HR 講離職的原因係唔想星期六 / 日返工,其實我地唔係拎枝搶去逼你要返,做唔晒先至要返咁又有咩問題呢,返工係辛苦家啦,你估我想返工咩?而這個同事辭職的理由,亦都傳遍整個公司成為了一個笑話,其他department 都走過嚟問我亞姐係咪有人唔做,而唔做個理由係咪真係要星期六 / 日返工。其他department都問唔做個同事其實又無返過星期六 / 日,其實佢真係無返過囉,所以其實部門都覺得時下的年青人好奇怪。
由佢遞信個人開始,佢將所有的voucher 全部都入錯要我執手尾,唔做咪唔做囉,係咪可以咁不負責任呢?將自己應該做都求求其其咁做錯晒就算,咁不如唔好做!我真係好想同你講你起通知期入面係有糧出家,希望你明白亦都對自己所做的工作負上一點點的責任罷!
就係佢害到我今日要返工,因為要埋數,我尋日就問個個女仔拎返d 單,今日返到去一口氣就入左一百張單,仲要check 埋其他同事入的voucher,我真係好唔明,今日返工乜唔駛盡責?佢地依家係比併邊個錯得多
!你估我好得閒咩,我都須要休息家,你地d voucher 改嚟改去唔煩家咩?我覺得好討厭囉
下星期再有一個新同事返工,我同亞姐講唔該同佢講明做唔晒要星期六 / 日返,費是到時又好以我屈佢地返工!如果唔願意的話唔好請佢地,我無咁多時間去照顧這班不負責任的八十後!
由上年12月開始,我已經有一個同事直接under 我幫我入機,這個同事初時的表現都幾好幾盡責,自從佢的工作堆積了一個星期都未有做完,因為公司有規定必須於兩日內完成手上的工作,於是我好心同佢講,做唔晒一係就ot,如果唔想平日ot 可以星期六 / 日返工,我相信這只是工作上最低的要求,其實出得佢份糧,係咪應該盡責少少呢,我明白你之前份工係做開AA,但無人迫你入嚟做家,亦都無人要你down grade 做clerk,所有野都係你自己的一個選擇,可能你覺覺得自己做開AA, 今日你入到嚟要你入單做T/T對你來講係大才小用,但係請你明白,每個職位都有不同的工種,我地公司只會安排這些卑微的工作給clerk做,你做唔晒係咪好應該自己想辦法呢?
我只係同佢講完ot 或者星期六 / 日返工過了幾天她就辭職唔做,而佢同HR 講離職的原因係唔想星期六 / 日返工,其實我地唔係拎枝搶去逼你要返,做唔晒先至要返咁又有咩問題呢,返工係辛苦家啦,你估我想返工咩?而這個同事辭職的理由,亦都傳遍整個公司成為了一個笑話,其他department 都走過嚟問我亞姐係咪有人唔做,而唔做個理由係咪真係要星期六 / 日返工。其他department都問唔做個同事其實又無返過星期六 / 日,其實佢真係無返過囉,所以其實部門都覺得時下的年青人好奇怪。
由佢遞信個人開始,佢將所有的voucher 全部都入錯要我執手尾,唔做咪唔做囉,係咪可以咁不負責任呢?將自己應該做都求求其其咁做錯晒就算,咁不如唔好做!我真係好想同你講你起通知期入面係有糧出家,希望你明白亦都對自己所做的工作負上一點點的責任罷!
就係佢害到我今日要返工,因為要埋數,我尋日就問個個女仔拎返d 單,今日返到去一口氣就入左一百張單,仲要check 埋其他同事入的voucher,我真係好唔明,今日返工乜唔駛盡責?佢地依家係比併邊個錯得多
下星期再有一個新同事返工,我同亞姐講唔該同佢講明做唔晒要星期六 / 日返,費是到時又好以我屈佢地返工!如果唔願意的話唔好請佢地,我無咁多時間去照顧這班不負責任的八十後!
已經知道自己今日無咁早可以放工,所以我去買lunch 的時候已經準備埋是日晚餐,今日食一d 輕便的小食作為晚餐就係超群的芳心朱古力蛋撻,真係好好味,有我最鐘意的蛋撻皮仲配以流心的朱古力漿,真係突破了傳統蛋撻的局限,流心的朱古力漿被麻糬包著,食落口既煙un的同時,朱古力漿即水流出,好好味
~~不過一個朱古力流心蛋撻要$7/個,好似貴左少少,如果我平日可以早少少放工,我一定買幾個返屋企孝敬媽媽...超群每日限量供應200個,我平都多數都係lunch time 時間去買,個段時間係出爐時間,新鮮出爐特別好味家!
2012年2月24日 星期五
S666+ Victorian Treasure
原來睇相同睇實物個顏色係可以差好遠,我盤S666+今日終於都開左花啦,本來仲以為係好似相咁中間有D 粉藍色,但係實物開出嚟係無,雖然S666+開出嚟個顏色我都幾鐘意,但只終都係同原來期望有所出入,下次都係睇啱見到個實物先至買,如果唔係買到盤唔係咁啱自己心水的花咁就唔好啦,我現在已經有14盤紫羅蘭,唔想再收留一些非我所愛的花花。
2012年2月21日 星期二
上網搵返少少關於Bourjois 烘焙胭脂的資料,見到完來佢地起09年時有一個發佈會示範烘焙胭脂的製法,完全是人手製造,看似一個很簡單的製作過程,就可以製造出一個很好用的胭脂。
原來真係好好上又上色,加上又可以keep 到成日,抵用!
上網搵返少少關於Bourjois 烘焙胭脂的資料,見到完來佢地起09年時有一個發佈會示範烘焙胭脂的製法,完全是人手製造,看似一個很簡單的製作過程,就可以製造出一個很好用的胭脂。
原來真係好好上又上色,加上又可以keep 到成日,抵用!
2012年2月19日 星期日
Pokka cafe
今日phoebe 約左我一齊去發叔度買花,本來都已經好想再買多一盤,因為返工太辛苦種下花可以調劑下情緒。今日由旺角入去粉嶺,本來約左2:30點知早左半個鐘,不過科技的發達,只要有部電話真係唔會怕悶,可以打下機上下網,好快又過左半個鐘...
自從第一次去過發叔度係見過好多唔同品種開花,之後每次入去都係無乜花開,所以買花時好難揀,因為相同實物個顏色或多或少都入少少出入,我今次只係買左兩盤咋,其實都係無得揀的情況下才揀了這兩盤,分別係 S720 ($100) 及 S666 victorian treasure ($150),仲買多左$20泥,希望經過今次發叔的教授,我個幾盤萎縮中的紫羅蘭可以好得返啦!
自從第一次去過發叔度係見過好多唔同品種開花,之後每次入去都係無乜花開,所以買花時好難揀,因為相同實物個顏色或多或少都入少少出入,我今次只係買左兩盤咋,其實都係無得揀的情況下才揀了這兩盤,分別係 S720 ($100) 及 S666 victorian treasure ($150),仲買多左$20泥,希望經過今次發叔的教授,我個幾盤萎縮中的紫羅蘭可以好得返啦!
2012年2月17日 星期五
2012年2月11日 星期六
Cosmetics Dead Sea.com
襯住Cosemtics Dead Sea又有7折,我又訂左幾件產品返嚟用!Dead Sea Premier的產品真係好好用,我皮膚咁乾用完之後完全得到舒緩,今次主要係買body 產品,因為之前買落的skin care 真係有排都用唔完。
平時起Cosmetics Dead Sea.com買野我都係就咁用佢地個web 提供的信用咭付款,感覺種係覺得唔係好安全。今次無意之中見到完來係可以用paypal 付款,感覺上好似比較安全。
次次起Cosmetics Dead Sea.com訂產品都係好快就收到,加上又唔須要比運費已經好抵,而對方仲要係用雙掛號寄嚟,好安全唔怕寄失,又唔怕收唔到。
delivery: 7/2/12
received: 11/2/12
Dead Sea Premier Ageless Future Detoxifying Mask USD119.99
Dead Sea Premier Aromatic Mineral Treatment USD24.99
Dead Sea Premier Milk and Honey Body Butter USD19.99
Discount (USD49.29)
Total USD115.48=HKD918.93 (@7.96)
平時起Cosmetics Dead Sea.com買野我都係就咁用佢地個web 提供的信用咭付款,感覺種係覺得唔係好安全。今次無意之中見到完來係可以用paypal 付款,感覺上好似比較安全。
次次起Cosmetics Dead Sea.com訂產品都係好快就收到,加上又唔須要比運費已經好抵,而對方仲要係用雙掛號寄嚟,好安全唔怕寄失,又唔怕收唔到。
delivery: 7/2/12
received: 11/2/12
Dead Sea Premier Ageless Future Detoxifying Mask USD119.99
Dead Sea Premier Aromatic Mineral Treatment USD24.99
Dead Sea Premier Milk and Honey Body Butter USD19.99
Discount (USD49.29)
Total USD115.48=HKD918.93 (@7.96)
2012年2月9日 星期四
Nivea Visage Q10 plus
仲記得上年消委會出過報告話Nivea Visage Q10 plus 改善皺紋深度表現較佳,於是心思思成日都想買嚟試,早排見到萬寧有特價所以買來試下,$134/15ml 真係幾抵用!
Nivea 係一個開架品牌,唔駛怕有人走埋嚟hard sale,自己揀完去比錢就得,幾岩我呢類唔鐘意比人煩的人。
Nivea 係一個開架品牌,唔駛怕有人走埋嚟hard sale,自己揀完去比錢就得,幾岩我呢類唔鐘意比人煩的人。
2012年2月7日 星期二
e-books the way to slash (大幅削減) cost, says schools chief
The education Bureau is pushing for (鼓催) a new SAR-wide scheme (note 1) in which electronic textbooks will be used in all primary and secondary schools to deflect (減少) the rising cost of printed materials.
Secretary for Education Michael Suen Ming-yeung said the current practice of publishers bundling most textbooks for sale (note 2) must change, because it has resulted in surging prices and market distortions (note 3) .
The failure of the bureau to persuade (勸服) publishers to sell textbooks separately from teaching resources has made them reluctant to reduce prices.
Publisher said they can only debundle half of primary school textbooks. Suen said yesterday: “There are not organized according to the requirements of our curriculum development (學科發展).”
He said he will ask that a new e-version be launched next year to meet the criteria of the bureau.
The new scheme aims to keep prices down by creating a diversified learning environment and make optimal use of advanced information technology (note 4) in schools.
Led by Undersecretary for Education Kenneth Chen Wei-on, the task force (小組) reviewed learning and teaching materials over the past six months. It made key recommendations to facilitate the development of the e-textbook market.
The task force noted that since 1998, the government has invested nearly HK$9 billion in implementing three IT strategies (note 5) in education. It has likewise spent another HK$400 million on developing e-learning resources.
Suen said incentives (誘因) are being considered to attract new entrants (note 6), such as relevant organizations and professionals, to the market and develop quality and reasonable priced e-texbooks.
However, he could not say how much cheaper textbooks will be once the measures are implemented.
(note 1) a new SAR-wide scheme=全港推行的計畫
In the scheme of things=在事物發展過程中。
(note 2) bundling most textbooks for sale=把教科書和教材一併出售
Bundle=包, 捆, 紥, 束
Bundle of rascals=一群壞蛋
Bundle of problems=一大堆問題
Victor bundles himself up=Victor (用毛衣) 把自己身體裹暖, 穿暖和些
(note 3) surging prices and market distortions=書價上升和扭曲市場價格
Bo Bo’s face was distorted with rage=Bo Bo 的臉氣得變了樣
(note 4) make optimal use of advanced information technology=把新進資訊科技作最適宜的運用
Optimal 的相反 pessimal=最壞的
(note 5) implementing three IT strategies=實施三項資訊科技政策
Strategy and tactics=戰略與戰術
(note 6) attract new entrants=吸引新供應商
2012年2月3日 星期五
Dead Sea Premier~Night Cream Complex
哈哈!今次又係dead sea premier,無法啦佢真係好好用,又適合我這類極乾的皮膚,唔用佢我都唔知可以搽D乜野好。今次左用night cream complex,佢就有兩層,其中一層係gel,下底個層就係cream。
首先搽左個gel先,等30秒可以用水洗面,讓面部吸收氧氣,之後再搽返個面霜就可以,我自己搽完個gel 之後就用玫瑰花水噴下塊面,個效果仲好過用水洗面,night cream complex 比起 Dead Sea Premier Moisture Cream 再滋潤少少,下次要再回購這個面霜。
首先搽左個gel先,等30秒可以用水洗面,讓面部吸收氧氣,之後再搽返個面霜就可以,我自己搽完個gel 之後就用玫瑰花水噴下塊面,個效果仲好過用水洗面,night cream complex 比起 Dead Sea Premier Moisture Cream 再滋潤少少,下次要再回購這個面霜。
Amiz-Natural Neroli Lip Balm
呢瓶lip balm 係我睇左gi gi 個blog 之後好想買的一個產品,不過amiz 個網係無得訂,多得gi gi 的幫忙,佢真係好好又幫我打電話去amiz 度訂,仲要一訂完就通知我,不過我返工太忙,有一日特登早少少放工去amiz 度拎,點知又摸門釘,好在最後趕得切起年三十晚個日去amiz 個度拎埋這個產品。
初時打開個蓋自看看產品個樣,心唸個樣咁硬點睇都唔會潤得去邊,但係用隻手指拎來用時,真係好驚喜,完來對眼看到的感覺,同個產品的質地差天共地,手感係軟膏狀,用手指轉個圈拎來用見到係好油,再搽上個嘴度,好似搽左一陣油上咀,而這陣油係完全無侷促或者油膩的感覺,真係好鐘意這個lip blam,天份天然搽完之後個咀好潤,而且價錢又唔係好貴只係百多元就可以買到,這個產品必定成了我日後經常使用的產品!
初時打開個蓋自看看產品個樣,心唸個樣咁硬點睇都唔會潤得去邊,但係用隻手指拎來用時,真係好驚喜,完來對眼看到的感覺,同個產品的質地差天共地,手感係軟膏狀,用手指轉個圈拎來用見到係好油,再搽上個嘴度,好似搽左一陣油上咀,而這陣油係完全無侷促或者油膩的感覺,真係好鐘意這個lip blam,天份天然搽完之後個咀好潤,而且價錢又唔係好貴只係百多元就可以買到,這個產品必定成了我日後經常使用的產品!
New system to make ban on idle engines (note1) a breeze (note 2)
With the ban on idling engines just a day away, the territory has unveiled (公佈) its first automatic system to keep cool drivers who have stopped.
Developed by the Hong Kong Productivity Council, the system aims to ease the problem of high in-vehicle temperatures during idle stops while improving roadside air quality by cutting emissions (note 3).
“With this system, when vehicle comes to a complete stop, the engine will stop automatically, cutting emissions caused by idling, “council chairman Clement Chen Cheng-jen said.
“Also, once the engine stops, the auxiliary air-conditioning system will kick in (note 4) immediately and can keep running for up to an hour.” The system, funded by the government Environment and Conservation Fund and the Woo Wheelock Green Fund, is currently undergoing patent registration and can cut fuel consumption, Chan said.
“We plan to commercialize the technology through licensing to auto parts manufacturers for sales and production, creating business opportunities for the industry.”
The council is also upgrading the system to extend air-conditioning supply to up to two hours, a feat (絕技) that will be tested early next year.
Under the ban taking effect on Thursday, drivers cannot leave their engines idling for more than there minutes in any 60-minute period, subject to a fixed penalty of HK$320.
Taxis at stands are exempted, as are the first two minibuses at stands. All drivers are exempt during very hot weather or rainstorm warnings.
Meanwhile, plans are under way (note 5) for more than 200 hectares of land-or five times the area of the West Kowloon Cultural District-to be made available for the government’s housing program.
The sites include 50 hectares of neglected greenbelt area (note 6) in the New Territories, a Development Bureau spokesman said.
(note 1) idle engines=停車機器仍然開著 (空轉)
Idle=懶惰的, 吊兒郎當的
Stand idle=袖手旁觀
Idle way one’s [life]=虛渡時光
(note 2) a breeze=輕而易舉的事
Breeze=微風, 柔風, 和風
The horse Bo Bo Man won in a breeze=Bo Bo Man 這匹馬輕而易舉地就跑贏了
Breeze through the book written by Victor=不費力地很快讀完了全本Victor 寫的書
(note 3) cutting emissions=減少污染廢氣排放
The ship Victorian cut her way through the waves=Victorian號船破浪前進
Cut to the heart=使深深地感到痛心
(note 4) kick in=啟動
Mo Mo kicks the ball back=Mo Mo把球踢回去
Kick the car into higher gear=給汽車啟動快檔, 加速
(note 5) plans are under way=計劃已進行中
(note 6) neglected greenbelt areas=被忽視的綠色地帶
Victor was treated with neglect=Victor受到不理睬, 怠慢對待
Hit [strike] below the belt=[拳擊] 擊對手腰帶下部犯規行為; 卑劣行為, 玩卑鄙手段, 暗箭傷人
2012年2月2日 星期四
Ovary blunder (note1) sparks (無線電通訊)probe (探針)
An investigation is under way (note 2) to determine whether a private hospital delayed reportinga serious medical blunder in which a woman’s ovary (卵巢) had to be removed.
Secretary for Food and Health York Chow Yat-ngok said the Department of Health, the private hospitals’ watchdog (監察部門), is trying to find out whether Shatin International Centre Union Hospital did not know the woman developed complication (併發症) when she was discharge after she had her ova extracted (note 3) for artificial insemination (人工受孕).
He said the department is also probing an apparent lack of communication (note 4) between Union Hospital and Tuen Mun Hospital, where the woman had one of her ovaries removed when her condition deteriorated 48 hours after the ova extraction. The department named the two hospitals involved in the incident in a departure from practice (note 5).
“[The government] needs to see if the public needs to know [about] the incident, especially if this is a problem on the system or procedures. If other patients and doctors need to know about it, it will be announced,” Chow said on the issue of naming the hospitals.
The department needs to verify (核實) when the incident happened and when Union Hospital learned of the complications, Chow said.
Initial investigation show the ova extraction took place on August 18, and the woman sought help from Tuen Mun Hospital two days later. The woman was discharged in early September. Union Hospital reported the incident on Friday, almost four months later. The government requires hospitals to report an unexpected serious occurrence or risk (note 6) within 24 hours.
Union Hospital deputy medical director Ares Leung Kwong-ling earlier denied the hospital intentionally delayed reporting the incident. He said the hospital did not know the woman’s condition had deteriorated (變壞) until she compained earlier this month.
(note 1) blunder=失策, 疏忽
Commit a blunder=犯大錯
Without his glasses, Victor blundered into the wrong room=Victor因為沒戴眼鏡,跌跌撞撞地走錯了房間
(note 2) is under way=正在進行中
All the way=一路上, 一直
Look this way=看這邊
(note 3) had her ova extracted=把卵子 (單數是ovum) 取出來
Extract=拔出, 抽出
Extract a tooth=拔牙
I could extract no information from Julian=我從Julian那裏一點消息也打聽不出來
Make extracts=精選, 摘要
(note 4) lack of communication=缺乏溝通
Lack=缺乏, 不夠, 不足
That fellow lacks common sense=那傢伙缺乏理智
Money is lacking=錢不夠
(note 5) a departure from practice=偏離一般做法
Depart=離開, 消失
Depart for (London)=去 (倫敦)
Depart from=不合(習慣等), 背離, 違反
A plausible idea, but will it work in practice? 主意倒好, 然而能實行嗎?
(note 6) unexpected serious occurrence or risk=意料之外的事故或危機
Daily occurrences=日常發生的事
Make allowance for unfavourable occurrence=留有餘地, 以防意外
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