Winnie never give up you can do all the best in your life. Keep it up, try to find out the way to go
. Don’t be grumble of what you face to, life is like that whatever you want to be or not. You must face to.
2011年7月31日 星期日
Never give up
You are made to rise again and again and again until you have fully unleashed your potential.
Sometimes I may fail from time to time but failing is like falling. You just have to keep getting back up, never giving up on my dreams.
2011年7月30日 星期六
Pekkle 筆筒
這個筆筒都應該出了接近一個月,但係一直都無原動力去買唔係佢貴,只係隻$12,但係點解咁平都唔買呢?鬼咩之前出個D 筆筒每款都買左幾個搞到我E+有好多個,試問咁多個筆筒真係唔知點先至可以用得完,這個款筆筒亦都非常之阻地方,忍左接近成個月我都個不敵可愛的pekkle,最後都係忍唔住買左一個,好在買左一個咋,真係越睇越靚!
Pekkle Name Tag
這個name tag 我已經分別3次見過佢,但係一直都堅持唔買,因為pekkle 將會出好多的產品,而我將會選擇性地去買,其實一直都好鐘意這個名牌,佢又唔係好貴只係$35,但係又好似無乜用,咁我為左慳錢,成日比個藉口自己慳d 啦唔好買,但個心又十五、十六,買定唔買。本來都決定放棄,但係尋日起pekkle 個blog見度佢post 出嚟,最後都比佢影響左我,今日仲要特登再出去征服買埋佢返屋企,我的定力真係好容易動搖...
之後再比左個藉口自己下一個長trip 會帶埋這個name tag 去
之後再比左個藉口自己下一個長trip 會帶埋這個name tag 去
2011年7月29日 星期五
Pekkle 網袋
month end 竟然都可以咁早放工,真係好開心見咁早走,所以有少少時間可以去買返之前未買到的pekkle 產品,之前起吹先生個fb 度見到這個網袋已經好鐘意,奈何轉工後真係唔方便成日去mk,再講每次我四出去搜尋我想買的物品,次次個結果都係買唔到,所以我決定隨緣,如果有緣的話就算我唔去搵我都可以擁有。為左這個網袋我並沒有隨緣,行左幾間sanrio又無,唯一一定有的地方當然係征服啦!點知都係要行左兩間征服先至搵到,越來越鐘意去征服新開個間鋪,地方又大,可以自己慢慢揀,又唔會有人理我。
這個網袋真係好靚,顏色又鮮艷,最重要係設計上好有創意,個網袋反轉左仲有一個半格的拉鏈袋,咁細格可以用來當筆袋用,大格就用來放notes 設計真係好適合我呢d 讀書人用。而價錢都好合理,一袋兩用都只係$23.00。2011年7月27日 星期三
Doraemon 3D Puzzle
7-11今期儲夠印花可以換購Doraemon 3D puzzle,本來一早已經儲夠了14個印花,但係又成日都唔記得拎去換。
2011年7月26日 星期二
cost an arm and a leg
Who are you working for? Until now I have no answer. Since I back to Hongkong something had been changed even the relationship with my colleague, my job duties etc... Some of them face to pressure. She work hard but she can’t reward any appreciation of what she done. Even thought you strive to fulfill your direct line manager but your performance is fail. You may think is your manger counter of your work? Why you don’t think the opposite side? I understand that human being is selfish.
In the real world I don’t think my boss can play fair. You must find out some solution to overcome. Your emotion must not driven by angry. When you let your emotion control your actions, you are only asking for serious pain in your bum! All the things are learn from experience. If you want to be success you must recognized the problems, work harder and search for the creative solutions.
In the real world I don’t think my boss can play fair. You must find out some solution to overcome. Your emotion must not driven by angry. When you let your emotion control your actions, you are only asking for serious pain in your bum! All the things are learn from experience. If you want to be success you must recognized the problems, work harder and search for the creative solutions.
2011年7月23日 星期六
Fancl Mild Cleaning Oil
之前為左去旅行所以去Fancl 買左以下這款限量版的卸妝油,總所周知Fancl 的卸妝油係好出名又好好用,所以我都無謂多講,這個set 售$210。
我自己就好欣賞fancl washing power真係好好用,好容易就可以整到好豐厚的泡沫,洗得乾淨又唔會乾。
2011年7月20日 星期三
去完西藏之後認識左一個性格上好似我細佬的團友~文細佬,適逢佢生日,咁我呢個靚姐姐當然係要同佢慶祝一下啦,禮物我就真係唔識得買,所以我都係決定同文細佬食好D 就算啦,費事嘥錢買埋D 無謂野,都係食左去係最好不過。
知道文細佬好鐘意食肉,我就揀左伊呂波,因為伊呂波主要都係食燒肉又有和牛,應該好適合細佬的口味。今餐都已經打破了我自己的界限,我唸我今餐係食左成個月肉的份量,因為我自己唔係咁鐘意食肉,所以都特登order 左一個沙律比自己食,本來唸住等文細佬自己揀食乜,見佢無乜idea,所以我都為佢揀左一d 佢喜歡的食物,叫左一個二人set 我怕文細佬唔夠飽所以再額外order 左一份和牛set 過佢吃。
今次係第二次去食伊呂波,食物質素好新鮮,雖然係貴了一點點,但物有所值,店鋪環境乾淨,又坐得舒服,唯一一個缺點係我地order 得太多食物所以唔夠位放,店員沒有作出妥善的安排。
知道文細佬好鐘意食肉,我就揀左伊呂波,因為伊呂波主要都係食燒肉又有和牛,應該好適合細佬的口味。今餐都已經打破了我自己的界限,我唸我今餐係食左成個月肉的份量,因為我自己唔係咁鐘意食肉,所以都特登order 左一個沙律比自己食,本來唸住等文細佬自己揀食乜,見佢無乜idea,所以我都為佢揀左一d 佢喜歡的食物,叫左一個二人set 我怕文細佬唔夠飽所以再額外order 左一份和牛set 過佢吃。
今次係第二次去食伊呂波,食物質素好新鮮,雖然係貴了一點點,但物有所值,店鋪環境乾淨,又坐得舒服,唯一一個缺點係我地order 得太多食物所以唔夠位放,店員沒有作出妥善的安排。
2011年7月18日 星期一
Pekkle 20cm Wooden Ruler
Just get the experience form the first lesson. I understand that I must bring a longer ruler to the lecture. At the lecture, all of the student only focus on highlight the key point. There is no time for waiting. As long as I can’t follow the speed, than I will missing some important point. Recently Pekkle was released so many product especially is stationery. Weeee….I can use the new ruler. The longer one can increased my efficiency of highlight.
This ruler was accompanied with me over 10 years.
2011年7月16日 星期六
continuous leaning
Long vacation was ended
. Is time to get start for study
! I was spent a few years to complete the degree. The most difficult day was over
. I received another challenge of my career
. I have an opportunity to promote, at the same time I need to focus on my study. How can I choose? My dream is become a professional accountant. This is my goal I am striving toward, keep it up, keep it grow. If I am a qualify accountant my career path maybe very smooth.
Every time I confront any difficulty. I pray
and I remind myself of the word of God. He never leaves me and forgets me. If He allows something bad to happen, I may not understand, but I can on to His goodness. Father I don’t know how to choose I leave the entire burden to you. I understand you will prepare all the best for me. I’m not worry what you will prepare for me.
This is my first time intake a professional course at FTMS. This is incredible I will study for two subjects in the coming six months. I don’t know whether my ability can afford such pressure or not. No matter how difficultly I’m face, I will try to be, this task I must be complete......No sweat, no sweet!
Every time I confront any difficulty. I pray
This is my first time intake a professional course at FTMS. This is incredible I will study for two subjects in the coming six months. I don’t know whether my ability can afford such pressure or not. No matter how difficultly I’m face, I will try to be, this task I must be complete......No sweat, no sweet!
2011年7月11日 星期一
Shisedio Sun Protection Lotion SPF 50+
上年已經買左這瓶Shisedio Sun Protection Lotion SPF 50+,我自己熱愛陽光與海灘,本來係唸住留返同太陽伯伯追逐時用,可惜上年買完之後都無去追過太陽伯伯,所以這瓶防晒一直都放在一旁,直到上個月去西藏時我才可以用左佢。
平時聽D人講去完西藏一定會晒到好黑,而我就沒有這個情況,只係去完返嚟d 同事話我瘦左,如果我無晒黑到都係全靠Shisedio Sun Protection Lotion SPF 50+,初初用這個lotion真係好唔慣因為西藏好乾燥,所以搽在身上個感覺很不好受。
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