2010年9月29日 星期三

Nothobranchius rachovii ~ Day 3

What should I do today?  According to the manual, every 3-4days need to draw one syringe of water out from the container and add new filtered water to it.  What is the purpose?  The purpose is reducing the saltiness of water.
When I returned home, I am counting the baby fish.  What’s the exact count??  Oh no… I feel upset.  There are 6 baby fishes living in the container.  One of the baby fish dead in peace and silent water!  It’s a shame I can’t take care all the new born baby fishes.  I am looking into the container, I can’t find where the corpse of baby fish is.  Maybe the corpse was eaten by other baby fish…
I feed the baby fishes and watched the baby fishes chased the shrimps.  Oh…Such an interesting moment.  I use my camera to record this precious moment and share with you all.

Nothobranchius rachovii ~ Day 3

2010年9月28日 星期二

Nothobranchius rachovii ~ Day 2

今日係種魚的第二日,亦即係今日要開始餵D 蝦苗比D 魚苗食,真係模不著頭腦究竟係點餵,今朝又早了20mins 起身,目的只係想好好飼養我的小魚苗,今朝好開心一起身望下樽見到又多了兩條魚苗,現在total 有7條魚苗。每一日最開心莫過於見到自己種的植物及魚苗一天一天的長大,所以每當我見到這些小生命,我都會付出更多的愛心去照顧佢地。
講返餵魚先,經我多翻研究,我決定抽取1支針筒的蝦苗比魚魚食,但係我自己又有d 害怕會將蝦苗連同鹹水一同放入魚樽,魚魚會唔適應,好在今晚放學回家依然仲有7條魚魚起度,而魚苗仲長大了一點點,真係好開心!
我將d 蝦苗射了入魚缸後見到d 魚魚張開個口追住d 蝦苗來食,真係好得意! 可惜呢個情景好難拍下,如果唔係我實拍個video 同大家分享!


2010年9月27日 星期一


This is 3 times order goods at skinstore.  I have got another experience for this order.  My order was placed on 31 July 2010.  Due to error in the payment process I can’t paid.  I send mail to their customer service to check with my payment staute.  Actually, I can’t paid for the order and 20% off promotion is past.  Skinstore consider for my situation and rearrange a promotion code for me to enjoy the discount offer.  Finally, I placed my order on 4 August 2010.
Some of goods is out of stock.  I was waiting for this order for near 2 months.   I send a mail to skinstore’s customer service to cancel the out of stock item.  At the same day, skinstore confirm the cancellation item and ship out the rest of goods. Refund amount is directly debit into my credit card account at the same day. 
For this experience, I think Skinstore have a good customer service and efficenet.  Product send out on 20 Sept 2010 and I received on 27 Sept 2010.
The weight of this order is 10lbs1oz.  No matter the weight of order is 1lbs or 100lbs, skinstore only charge USD14.95 as a shipping cost.  The shipping cost is very cheap and the customer service is excellent. 
(2) Barielle Intensive Hand Treatment Cream @ $20.00
(1) Korres Basil Lemon Shower Gel @ $13.00
(1) AHAVA Pure Spa Energizing Body Mud Mask Mandarin Cedarwood @ $22.00
(1) AHAVA Pure Spa Uplifting Butter Salt Mandarin Cedarwood @ $24.00
(2) AHAVA Pure Spa Dead Sea Mineral Mud @ $28.00
(1) AHAVA Pure Spa Dry Oil Spray Mandarin Cedarwood @ $36.00
(1) AHAVA Mineral Botanic Velvet Cream Wash - Hibiscus and Fig @ $21.50
Shipping: $14.95
Discounts: -$42.50
(SEO code for the 20% off sale)
GRAND TOTAL: $184.95 = HKD1,464.03 (rate:7.92)
Refund of USD19.20=HKD146.07 (rate: 7.60) debit into my credit card account on 20 Sept 2010.  There have a exchange difference.  Oh....Through the refund process I loss HKD6...
Every time I order at Skinstore.  They will send 2 free sample to me.

Nothobranchius rachovii ~ Day 1

尋日去食生日飯,起度等緊人行自己行左去logon 見到有一個好得意的玩意,我自己企左起度望左好耐,越睇越興奮、越睇越想買,但又夠鐘去食飯,唸住食完飯至帶佢返屋企,點知食完飯後,i square 間 logon 岩岩關門,為左可以帶到呢個咁得意ge 種魚玩意返屋企,於是我地急步行左起harbour city logon,最後都帶左佢返屋lu,真係好新奇刺激。呢個咁得意ge 玩意價值$88。
我地起harbour city 自己研究點玩,有個sales 行埋嚟教我,個sales 都稱呼這個玩意為種魚,真係好得意只係將一包泥倒入d 水到等就可以種到d 魚仔出嚟,個sales 教我可以用水喉水代替礦泉水,只要將水喉水放於室溫4小時後 (目的是要除去水中的氟) 便可以種植!sales話呢d 係鬥魚,養到去兩星期要分開去養,如果唔係最後只會不斷打架直至只剩下一條。
sales 話兩星期後如果係雄性魚個身會有顏色,如果係雌性個身係沒有任何顏色!雄性及雌性可以一起餵養,並可以繁殖,這些魚的壽命為兩年!
我今朝早6:50am 就起了身,目的是要好好種植魚苗,魚苗一般要2-96小時孵化,嘩!今晚返到屋企(只係過了13小時) 已經種到5條魚苗lu...但係跟住我就好頭痕,究竟係點樣餵d 魚苗食d 蝦苗呢?
隨包裝內有一個原裝的英文說明書及一個由citysuper 翻譯的中文版說明書,但中文版譯得唔係咁好,所以我都係拎係個英文版本起度跟住做...

條魚養大左就會係咁ge 樣












Zoya Polish remover

洗甲水用晒後,搵緊邊個牌子的洗甲水成份好些,不會過份傷害指甲油。我買開指甲油的店鋪有得一樽勁大樽的Zoya Polish remover $260~960ml,如果成日搽指甲油,咁買這樽水真係好抵用,再唔係買一樽回來同fd share 都得。
Zoya Polish remover 比起opi 更加易卸掉指甲油,而有害成份亦較少,都係個句呢d 都係化學野少用為妙,但為了靚靚真係好難最捨...


2010年9月26日 星期日


今日去左i Square 喜記食生日飯,今次係我第四次食喜記,隻蟹越食越細,今次隻蟹重1斤8両,每両$24咁隻蟹就盛惠$570,因為今次得兩個人食,所以隨左蟹要食細隻D,連其他食物都要叫少D,因為兩個女仔食唔晒咁多野,今次只係點了四個餸,最後我地都沒有食剩。
隻蟹已經無我第一次個時食咁好味,D 炸蒜蓉用了太多油炸,上碟時全部蒜蓉黏埋一起,同我第一時食個時每粒蒜蓉可以分開好乾爽已經相差甚遠,加上隻蟹炸得太耐,炸到D 蟹肉乾晒。至於薑蔥生蠔煲就蠔無蠔味
今次D 食物整體上都係唔滿意,而且服務欠奉,食到成碟都係蜆殼、螺殼都無人收,要叫個待應幾次先至幫我地換隻碟,仲要係收左我地隻碟收走左唔記得比返隻乾淨碟我地,叫佢比多一隻碗仔,都要叫幾次。





方便D 懶人夾來食,我將成煲花螺忟晒出嚟,拆殼後只係得返一小碗



2010年9月25日 星期六


我的美麗日記面膜都幾好用,仲要好平$58/10塊,平均每塊都係$5.8,平時用佢一D 都唔會肉赤,今次用了他新出的燕窩面膜,嘩燕窩敷上面,好似好高貴咁,於是我又唔執輸試下先...

面膜紙的質地好明顯係比之前用個D 唔同左,貼面了很多及面膜紙很薄。敷了30分鐘面保濕度即時提升,感覺好像用了白金版保濕面膜,而且較為平宜,日常護理使用佢都幾好,平嘛敷多幾塊都唔會肉痛!

2010年9月23日 星期四

M Lab anti-aging eye cream

之前用了個平的Dr Wu eye cream,所以今次要用返個貴少少的眼霜,我買護膚品真係好少考慮個價錢,加上我又咩牌子都想試,所以好多時睇雜誌都會留意下有甚麼品牌的效果會較為出名。
今次我用了M Lab anti-aging eye cream,這個品牌只會於Joyce Beauty 可以買到 $1,380~18ml,Joyce Beauty 可以買到好多起外國好出名的品牌,相信有很多品牌大家都未曾聽過他們的名字吧!

M Lab 是一個很有名的抗皺品牌,這個品牌所有的產品雖然真的很貴,但他的效果又真係值得一試!
